Saturday, 25 July 2015

9 Struggles Every Couple Searching for a Place Together Can Relate To

Hooray, you and your guy are shacking up! Cue the movie montage of a happy couple strolling through Pinterest-worthy apartments, making knowing eye contact while signing a lease, and
celebrating move-in day with a Thai take-out picnic on the floor of the new pad. Sadly, the road to cohabitation usually isn't so picture perfect.

1. Being asked very personal questions by complete strangers.How committed are you? How often do you fight? What will you do about the lease if you break up?Hello, gross violations of your privacy. Of course, you'll respond politely and good-naturedly so as not to piss off your potential future landlords.

2. ...And being grilled about when you'll get engaged by everyone you do know.There’s something about moving into one new life stage that prompts people to push you right along to the next one. And when your friends, family members, and coworkers ask you with that obnoxious glint in their eye when you’ll nab the ring on your finger, they actually expect you to answer.

3. Receiving e-mails about studies that claim people who cohabitate before marriage aren't as happy as people who did.No matter that you didn’t request the sender's opinion on the subject—or that they themselves are divorced, or single, or don’t seem very happy in their own marriages.

4. Finding out each other’s financial secrets.No more hiding your spotty credit history or the loans left over from that time you tried grad school. No more kidding yourself that he’s earning six figures...or that his frugal ways probably mean he’s saving bucket-loads. All money matters will come out in the open, making you feel more vulnerable than when you first saw each other naked.

5. Feeling more like business partners than romantic ones.Forget sexts—all your text messages will be about square footage, shower pressure, and the distance to the nearest supermarket. And forget romance—your new turn-ons will be a waived real-estate agent's fee and access to an on-site washer-dryer.

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